Overcoming the Frustrating React Native Autolinking Failure on Android Emulator
Image by Jeri - hkhazo.biz.id

Overcoming the Frustrating React Native Autolinking Failure on Android Emulator

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As a React Native enthusiast, you’ve finally completed your dream project, and now it’s time to deploy it on an Android emulator. But, oh no! You’re greeted with a dreaded error message: “React Native Autolinking Failure.” Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to troubleshoot and resolve this issue, so you can finally showcase your masterpiece.

What is React Native Autolinking, and Why Does it Fail?

Autolinking is a React Native feature that automatically links native modules to your project, making it easier to integrate third-party libraries. However, this process can sometimes fail, resulting in the error message you’re seeing.

There are several reasons why autolinking might fail, including:

  • Outdated or incompatible versions of React Native or its dependencies
  • Conflicting dependencies or package versions
  • Incorrect configuration or setup

Step 1: Verify Your Project Configuration

Before diving into the depths of autolinking issues, let’s ensure your project is set up correctly.

  1. Check your react-native version by running npm ls react-native or yarn ls react-native in your terminal. Make sure you’re running the latest version or a version compatible with your project.
  2. Verify your android/app/build.gradle file is correctly configured. Look for the following lines:
apply from: "../../node_modules/react-native/react.gradle"

project.ext.react = [
    enableHermes: true,  // clean and rebuild if changing
    extraPackagerArgs: ["--config", "internal/package.json"]

Step 2: Clean and Rebuild Your Project

Sometimes, a simple clean and rebuild can resolve the autolinking issue. Let’s try that first:

  1. Run cd android && ./gradlew clean to clean your Android project.
  2. Run cd .. && react-native run-android to rebuild and deploy your project.

If you still encounter the autolinking failure error, proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Check for Conflicting Dependencies

Dependency conflicts can cause autolinking to fail. Let’s identify and resolve any potential conflicts:

Open your package.json file and check for duplicate or conflicting package versions. You can use tools like npm ls or yarn ls to identify dependencies with mismatched versions.

For example, if you have both react-native-svg and react-native-svg-web listed as dependencies, try removing one of them or ensuring they’re on the same version.

Step 4: Update Your Dependencies

Maintain up-to-date dependencies to ensure compatibility with the latest React Native version:

  1. Run npm outdated or yarn outdated to identify outdated dependencies.
  2. Update your dependencies by running npm update or yarn update.
  3. Verify your package.json file to ensure the updated versions are reflected.

Step 5: Configure Your Android Project

Sometimes, the Android project configuration needs a little tweaking to resolve autolinking issues:

Open your android/app/build.gradle file and add the following lines:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        ndk {
            abiFilters "armeabi-v7a","x86","arm64-v8a","x86_64"

This configuration tells Android to include the necessary ABI filters for React Native to function correctly.

Step 6: Check for Corruption in the Android Project

In rare cases, the Android project might be corrupted, causing autolinking to fail. Let’s try removing the corrupted files and rebuilding the project:

  1. Run cd android && rm -rf .gradle to remove the corrupted files.
  2. Run cd .. && react-native run-android to rebuild and deploy your project.

Step 7: Disable Autolinking (Last Resort)

If all else fails, you can disable autolinking as a last resort. This will require manual linking of native modules, but it might help resolve the issue:

In your react-native.config.js file, add the following configuration:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  autolink: {
    platforms: {
      android: {
        enabled: false,

This configuration disables autolinking for Android. You’ll need to manually link native modules using the react-native link command.


React Native Autolinking Failure on Android emulator can be frustrating, but by following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. Remember to:

  • Verify your project configuration
  • Clean and rebuild your project
  • Check for conflicting dependencies
  • Update your dependencies
  • Configure your Android project
  • Check for corruption in the Android project
  • Disable autolinking as a last resort

With patience and persistence, you’ll overcome the React Native Autolinking Failure and successfully deploy your project on the Android emulator.

Step Description
1 Verify project configuration
2 Clean and rebuild project
3 Check for conflicting dependencies
4 Update dependencies
5 Configure Android project
6 Check for corruption in Android project
7 Disable autolinking (last resort)

By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the React Native Autolinking Failure and successfully deploying your project on the Android emulator.

Frequently Asked Question

Encountering issues with React Native Autolinking while deploying your project on an Android emulator? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these commonly asked questions and their solutions to get your project up and running smoothly.

What is React Native Autolinking, and why is it failing?

React Native Autolinking is a feature that automatically links native modules to your React Native project. It fails when there’s an issue with the linking process, usually due to incorrect configuration or version conflicts. To resolve this, try deleting the `node_modules` directory and running `npm install` or `yarn install` again to reinstall dependencies.

How do I fix the “Could not find `react-native.config.js`” error?

This error occurs when React Native can’t find the `react-native.config.js` file. To fix this, create a new file named `react-native.config.js` in the root directory of your project, and add the required configuration. You can use a template from the React Native documentation to get started.

What if I’m using a third-party library that’s causing the Autolinking failure?

In this case, try to identify the problematic library and check its documentation for Autolinking instructions. You might need to add a `podspec` file or modify the library’s configuration to make it compatible with Autolinking. If that doesn’t work, try downgrading or updating the library to a version that’s known to work with Autolinking.

How can I disable Autolinking if it’s causing issues?

While not recommended, you can disable Autolinking by setting `autolinkingEnabled` to `false` in your `react-native.config.js` file. However, keep in mind that this will require you to manually link native modules, which can be time-consuming and error-prone. Only use this as a last resort.

What if none of these solutions work, and I’m still experiencing Autolinking issues?

Don’t give up! Try searching for similar issues on the React Native GitHub page or forums, and see if others have encountered the same problem. You can also try resetting your project by deleting the `node_modules` directory, running `npm cache clean`, and reinstalling dependencies. As a last resort, consider seeking help from a React Native expert or community member.