Unleashing the Power of TensorFlow Lite: A Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining Class, Coordinates, and Score in Android Studio with Kotlin
Image by Jeri - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of TensorFlow Lite: A Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining Class, Coordinates, and Score in Android Studio with Kotlin

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Are you tired of sifting through lines of code, searching for the elusive answers to importing a TensorFlow Lite model in Android Studio with Kotlin? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of TensorFlow Lite and explore how to obtain class, coordinates, and score after importing a tflite model in Android Studio with Kotlin.


Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, ensure you have the following:

  • Android Studio installed on your computer
  • A TensorFlow Lite model (`.tflite` file) ready to be imported
  • A basic understanding of Kotlin programming language

Step 1: Adding the TensorFlow Lite Dependency

To start, you’ll need to add the TensorFlow Lite dependency to your Android project. Open your `build.gradle` file and add the following line to your `dependencies` block:

dependencies {
implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite:0.0.5'

Synchronize your project by clicking the “Sync Now” button or by running the command `./gradlew build` in your terminal.

Step 2: Importing the TensorFlow Lite Model

Create a new Kotlin class in your Android project and import the TensorFlow Lite model using the following code:

import org.tensorflow.lite.Interpreter
import org.tensorflow.lite.TensorFlowLite
import java.io.File
import java.io.FileInputStream
import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel

class TFLiteModel(private val context: Context) {
  private var interpreter: Interpreter? = null
  private var inputTensorBuffer: TensorBuffer? = null
  private var outputTensorBuffer: TensorBuffer? = null

  fun init() {
    val modelName = "your_model.tflite"
    val fileDescriptor = context.assets.openFd(modelName)
    val fileBuffer = FileInputStream(fileDescriptor.fileDescriptor).channel.map(
      FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, fileDescriptor.startOffset, fileDescriptor.declaredLength
    val tfLiteModel = TensorFlowLite.loadModelBuffer(fileBuffer)
    interpreter = Interpreter(tfLiteModel)

Replace `”your_model.tflite”` with the name of your TensorFlow Lite model file.

Step 3: Preprocessing Input Data

Before feeding your input data to the model, you’ll need to preprocess it. This may involve resizing images, normalizing values, or converting data types. For the sake of simplicity, let’s assume you have a `Bitmap` object that you want to classify:

fun preprocessImage(bitmap: Bitmap): TensorBuffer {
  val inputTensorBuffer = TensorBuffer.createFixedSize(intArrayOf(1, 224, 224, 3), DataType.FLOAT32)
  val inputArray = inputTensorBuffer.floatArray
  val pixelValues = bitmapToIntArray(bitmap)
  for (i in 0 until pixelValues.size) {
    inputArray[i] = pixelValues[i].toFloat()
  return inputTensorBuffer

fun bitmapToIntArray(bitmap: Bitmap): IntArray {
  val intArray = IntArray(bitmap.width * bitmap.height)
  val pixels = bitmapInts
  for (i in 0 until pixels.size) {
    intArray[i] = pixels[i]
  return intArray

In this example, we’re resizing the input image to 224×224 and converting it to a float array.

Step 4: Running the Model and Obtaining Class, Coordinates, and Score

With your input data preprocessed, it’s time to run the model and obtain the class, coordinates, and score:

fun classifyImage(bitmap: Bitmap): Pair<String, FloatArray> {
  val inputTensorBuffer = preprocessImage(bitmap)
  val outputTensorBuffer = TensorBuffer.createFixedSize(intArrayOf(1, 10), DataType.FLOAT32)
  interpreter!!.run(arrayOf(inputTensorBuffer), arrayOf(outputTensorBuffer))
  val outputArray = outputTensorBuffer.floatArray
  val maxIndex = outputArray.indices.maxByOrNull { outputArray[it] }!!
  val classNames = listOf("class1", "class2", ..., "class10")
  val className = classNames[maxIndex]
  val score = outputArray[maxIndex]
  return Pair(className, outputArray)

In this example, we’re running the model with the preprocessed input data and obtaining the output scores. We then find the index of the maximum score, which corresponds to the predicted class. The `classNames` list contains the names of the classes in the order they were trained.

Obtaining Coordinates

If your model outputs coordinates, such as bounding box coordinates, you’ll need to access the corresponding tensor buffer:

val coordinatesTensorBuffer = interpreter!!.getOutputTensor(1)
val coordinatesArray = coordinatesTensorBuffer.floatArray
val coordinates = FloatArray(coordinatesArray.size / 4)
for (i in 0 until coordinates.size / 4) {
  coordinates[i * 4] = coordinatesArray[i * 4 + 0] // x1
  coordinates[i * 4 + 1] = coordinatesArray[i * 4 + 1] // y1
  coordinates[i * 4 + 2] = coordinatesArray[i * 4 + 2] // x2
  coordinates[i * 4 + 3] = coordinatesArray[i * 4 + 3] // y2

In this example, we’re accessing the second output tensor, which contains the coordinates, and converting it to a float array.


And there you have it! With these steps, you’ve successfully imported a TensorFlow Lite model in Android Studio with Kotlin and obtained the class, coordinates, and score. Remember to replace the placeholders with your own model file and class names. Happy coding!

Step Description
1 Adding the TensorFlow Lite dependency
2 Importing the TensorFlow Lite model
3 Preprocessing input data
4 Running the model and obtaining class, coordinates, and score

By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to leveraging the power of TensorFlow Lite in your Android app. Don’t forget to check out the official TensorFlow Lite documentation for more information on using the API.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between TensorFlow Lite and TensorFlow?

A: TensorFlow Lite is a lightweight version of TensorFlow, optimized for mobile and embedded devices. It provides a smaller footprint and faster inference times, making it ideal for Android apps.

Q: Can I use TensorFlow Lite with Java?

A: Yes, you can use TensorFlow Lite with Java. However, this guide is focused on using Kotlin, which is the recommended language for Android app development.

Q: How do I optimize my model for TensorFlow Lite?

A: You can optimize your model for TensorFlow Lite by using the TensorFlow Lite converter tool, which converts your TensorFlow model to a TensorFlow Lite model. You can also use techniques such as quantization, pruning, and knowledge distillation to reduce the model size and improve inference times.

We hope this comprehensive guide has helped you in your journey to integrate TensorFlow Lite with your Android app. If you have any further questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of importing TFLite models in Android Studio with Kotlin! ⚡️

How do I import a TFLite model in Android Studio using Kotlin?

To import a TFLite model in Android Studio using Kotlin, you need to add the TensorFlow Lite Android Support Library to your project. You can do this by adding the following dependency to your `build.gradle` file: `implementation ‘org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite:0.0.5’`. Then, you can load the TFLite model using the `TensorFlowLite` class and its `load` method.

How do I get the class labels from the TFLite model?

To get the class labels from the TFLite model, you can use the `getAssociatedFileHandle` method to get the label file associated with the model. Then, you can read the label file using a `BufferedReader` and store the labels in a list or array. For example: `val labelList = mutableListOf(); val labelFile = tflite.getAssociatedFileHandle(“label.txt”); val reader = BufferedReader(FileReader(labelFile)); reader.useLines { it.forEach { line -> labelList.add(line) } }`.

How do I get the coordinates of the detected objects from the TFLite model?

To get the coordinates of the detected objects from the TFLite model, you need to access the output tensor of the model, which contains the detection results. You can do this using the `run` method of the `TensorFlowLite` class, which returns a `TensorFlowLite.Runner` object. Then, you can get the output tensor using the `outputTensor` property and extract the coordinates from it. For example: `val outputTensor = runner.outputTensor(0); val coordinates = outputTensor.floatArray)}

How do I get the score of the detected objects from the TFLite model?

To get the score of the detected objects from the TFLite model, you can access the output tensor of the model, which contains the detection results. You can do this using the `run` method of the `TensorFlowLite` class, which returns a `TensorFlowLite.Runner` object. Then, you can get the output tensor using the `outputTensor` property and extract the scores from it. For example: `val outputTensor = runner.outputTensor(0); val scores = outputTensor.floatArray)

Can I use the TFLite model for real-time object detection in my Android app?

Yes, you can use the TFLite model for real-time object detection in your Android app! TFLite models are optimized for mobile devices and can run efficiently on Android devices. You can use the TFLite model to detect objects in real-time by feeding the camera input into the model and processing the output in real-time. You can use Android’s CameraX API to capture camera frames and process them using the TFLite model.

Hope this helps! 😊