Mastering the Art of Key Removal: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using i18n-unused
Image by Jeri -

Mastering the Art of Key Removal: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using i18n-unused

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Are you tired of cluttered translation files and unnecessary keys holding you back? It’s time to take control and learn how to remove unused keys using i18n-unused! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of identifying and eliminating unwanted keys, freeing up your workflow and streamlining your translations.

What is i18n-unused and Why Do You Need It?

i18n-unused is a powerful tool designed to help you detect and remove unused keys from your translation files. This means you can say goodbye to unnecessary clutter and hello to optimized, efficient translations.

But why is it necessary to remove unused keys in the first place? Well, here are just a few reasons:

  • Faster Load Times: With fewer keys to process, your translation files will load quicker, reducing latency and improving overall performance.
  • Improved Organization: By removing unused keys, you’ll have a cleaner, more organized translation file structure, making it easier to find what you need when you need it.
  • Better Collaboration: When working with teams, unused keys can cause confusion and conflicts. By removing them, you’ll ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Enhanced Security: Unused keys can pose a security risk if they’re not properly removed. i18n-unused helps you eliminate potential vulnerabilities.

Step 1: Installing i18n-unused

Before you can start removing unused keys, you need to install i18n-unused. This is a straightforward process that requires just a few simple steps:

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to your project directory.
  2. Run the command `npm install i18n-unused` or `yarn add i18n-unused` to install the package.
  3. Once installed, you can verify the installation by running `i18n-unused –version`.

Step 2: Configuring i18n-unused

Now that i18n-unused is installed, it’s time to configure it to work with your specific project needs. This involves creating a configuration file that tells i18n-unused where to find your translation files and what to do with them.

// Create a new file named `i18n-unused.config.js` in your project root
module.exports = {
  // Specify the paths to your translation files
  files: ['./src/locales/*.json'],
  // Set the output directory for the cleaned files
  output: './src/locales/cleaned',
  // Optional: Set the max number of keys to keep in each file
  maxKeys: 500

Step 3: Running i18n-unused

With your configuration file in place, it’s time to run i18n-unused and start removing those unused keys! Simply navigate to your project directory and run the following command:


i18n-unused will then scan your translation files, identify unused keys, and remove them according to your configuration settings.

Step 4: Reviewing and Refining Your Results

After running i18n-unused, you’ll want to review the resulting cleaned files to ensure everything is as expected. You can do this by comparing the original files with the cleaned ones:

// Original file
  "hello": "Hello!",
  "world": "World!",
  "unused_key": "This key is not used anywhere"

// Cleaned file
  "hello": "Hello!",
  "world": "World!"

In this example, the “unused_key” has been successfully removed, leaving you with a leaner, more efficient translation file.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

As with any powerful tool, i18n-unused might encounter some issues or edge cases. Here are a few common problems and their solutions:

Error Message Solution
`Error: Unable to find translation files` Verify that your configuration file is correct and points to the correct location of your translation files.
`Error: Max key limit exceeded` Adjust the `maxKeys` setting in your configuration file or refactor your translation files to reduce the number of keys.
`Error: Unable to write to output directory` Ensure that the output directory specified in your configuration file has the necessary permissions and is not read-only.


Removing unused keys from your translation files is a crucial step in maintaining a clean, efficient, and secure workflow. With i18n-unused, you now have the power to take control of your translations and optimize your files for better performance and collaboration.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of key removal and unlocking the full potential of your translations. Happy optimizing!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to declutter your code and learn how to remove unused keys using i18n-unused!

What is i18n-unused and why do I need it?

i18n-unused is a handy tool that helps you identify and remove unused translation keys from your codebase. You need it because unused keys can lead to messy code, slow down your development process, and even cause errors. With i18n-unused, you can keep your code clean and optimized for better performance!

How do I install i18n-unused in my project?

Installing i18n-unused is a breeze! Just run the command `npm install i18n-unused` or `yarn add i18n-unused` in your terminal, and you’re good to go! You can also add it to your `package.json` file as a dev dependency.

How do I use i18n-unused to remove unused keys?

To use i18n-unused, simply run the command `npx i18n-unused` in your terminal, and the tool will scan your codebase for unused translation keys. You can also customize the scan by specifying the files or directories you want to target. The tool will then provide a report of unused keys, which you can safely remove from your code!

Can I customize the behavior of i18n-unused?

Yes, you can! i18n-unused provides several options and flags that allow you to customize its behavior. For example, you can specify the file patterns to include or exclude, set a minimum usage threshold, or even integrate it with your CI/CD pipeline. Check out the official documentation for more information on how to customize i18n-unused to fit your needs!

Is i18n-unused compatible with my existing i18n setup?

i18n-unused is designed to be compatible with most i18n setups, including popular libraries like i18next, react-i18next, and intl-messageformat. However, if you’re using a custom i18n solution, you might need to adapt the tool to fit your specific requirements. Feel free to explore the i18n-unused documentation and community resources for more information and support!