ActiveMQ Artemis Journal Recovery of Unrouted Messages after a Disaster: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Jeri -

ActiveMQ Artemis Journal Recovery of Unrouted Messages after a Disaster: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Imagine a scenario where your messaging system, built on top of ActiveMQ Artemis, faces a disaster, leaving your unrouted messages in limbo. The thought of losing crucial data can be unsettling, but fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of recovering those unrouted messages using ActiveMQ Artemis’ journal recovery feature.

Understanding ActiveMQ Artemis Journaling

Before we dive into the recovery process, it’s essential to understand how ActiveMQ Artemis uses journaling to store messages. Journaling is a mechanism that allows Artemis to store messages in a persistent storage, ensuring that messages are not lost in case of a failure. When a message is sent to an Artemis broker, it is written to a journal, which is essentially a log of messages.

activemq {
  journal {

In the above configuration snippet, the `journal-directory` specifies the location where the journal files will be stored.

Disaster Strikes! What Happens to Unrouted Messages?

Let’s say a disaster strikes, and your Artemis broker goes down, leaving a trail of unrouted messages in the journal. These messages are neither delivered to their intended destinations nor acknowledged by the sender. The journal contains a record of these messages, but they remain in a “limbo” state.

When the broker restarts, it will attempt to recover from the journal, but the unrouted messages might not be automatically recovered. This is where manual intervention is required to recover these messages.

Recovering Unrouted Messages using Journal Recovery

To recover the unrouted messages, you’ll need to use the `journal-tool` command-line utility that comes with ActiveMQ Artemis. The `journal-tool` allows you to inspect, recover, and manipulate the journal files.

Step 1: Identify the Journal Files

Locate the journal files in the `journal-directory` specified in your Artemis configuration. The journal files will have a `.log` extension. You might have multiple journal files, so take note of the file with the latest timestamp.

ls activemq-data/journal

Step 2: Inspect the Journal File

Use the `journal-tool` to inspect the journal file and identify the unrouted messages. You can use the `–dump` option to display the contents of the journal file.

./journal-tool --dump --journal-file=activemq-data/journal/journal-345678.log

The output will display a list of messages in the journal, including their message ID, type, and destination. Look for messages with a type of `UNROUTED`.

Step 3: Recover Unrouted Messages

Using the `–recover` option, you can recover the unrouted messages from the journal file. Specify the message IDs of the unrouted messages you want to recover.

./journal-tool --recover --journal-file=activemq-data/journal/journal-345678.log --message-ids=123456,234567,345678

The recovered messages will be written to a new journal file with a `.recover` extension. This file will contain the recovered messages, which can then be re-sent to their intended destinations.

Re-Sending Recovered Messages

Once you’ve recovered the unrouted messages, you’ll need to re-send them to their intended destinations. You can use an Artemis client, such as the `artemis-cli` tool, to send the recovered messages.

./artemis-cli send --url="tcp://localhost:61616" --username="admin" --password="password" --message-file="recovered-messages.log"

The `recovered-messages.log` file contains the recovered messages in a format that can be read by the `artemis-cli` tool.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

During the recovery process, you might encounter some common issues. Here are a few troubleshooting tips:

  • Journal file corruption: If the journal file is corrupted, you might encounter errors during the recovery process. In this case, try using the `–repair` option with the `journal-tool` to repair the journal file.
  • Message ID mismatch: Ensure that the message IDs specified during the recovery process match the actual message IDs in the journal file.
  • Network connectivity issues: Verify that your Artemis broker is running and that there are no network connectivity issues preventing the recovered messages from being sent.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve walked you through the process of recovering unrouted messages using ActiveMQ Artemis’ journal recovery feature. By following these steps, you should be able to recover your messages and ensure business continuity even in the face of disasters.

Remember to regularly back up your journal files to prevent data loss in case of a disaster. With proper planning and configuration, you can ensure that your messaging system is resilient and fault-tolerant.

Command Description
journal-tool –dump Displays the contents of a journal file
journal-tool –recover Recovers unrouted messages from a journal file
artemis-cli send Sends recovered messages to their intended destinations

By mastering the art of journal recovery, you’ll be well-equipped to handle disasters and ensure that your messaging system remains operational even in the most challenging situations.

Happy recovering!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about ActiveMQ Artemis journal recovery of unrouted messages after a disaster!

What happens to unrouted messages during a disaster, and how does ActiveMQ Artemis recover them?

When a disaster strikes, unrouted messages can be lost in transit. Fear not! ActiveMQ Artemis has a robust journaling system that ensures these messages are recovered. During restart, Artemis scans its journal to identify any in-transit messages and replays them to their intended destinations. This means that even in the worst-case scenario, your critical messages are safeguarded and delivered.

How does ActiveMQ Artemis deal with duplicates during message recovery?

To prevent duplicate message delivery, ActiveMQ Artemis uses a deduplication mechanism. During recovery, it checks for duplicate messages in the journal and discards them, ensuring that only unique messages are replayed to their destinations. This guarantees that your system receives each message only once, maintaining data integrity and consistency.

Are there any performance implications when enabling journal recovery for unrouted messages?

Enabling journal recovery might introduce some performance overhead, but ActiveMQ Artemis has been optimized to minimize this impact. By leveraging advanced algorithms and asynchronous journaling, Artemis ensures that message recovery is efficient and doesn’t compromise system performance. You can rest assured that your system will continue to operate smoothly, even with journal recovery enabled.

Can I customize the journal recovery process to suit my specific use case?

ActiveMQ Artemis provides extensive configuration options for journal recovery. You can fine-tune parameters such as journal file size, recovery timeout, and more to tailor the recovery process to your unique requirements. Additionally, Artemis supports custom plugins and extensions, allowing you to further adapt the recovery process to your specific needs.

Is there a way to monitor and analyze journal recovery performance in ActiveMQ Artemis?

Artemis provides comprehensive monitoring and metrics capabilities for journal recovery. You can leverage built-in metrics, such as recovery time, messages replayed, and journal file size, to gain insights into the recovery process. Additionally, integrations with popular monitoring tools and log analysis platforms enable you to scrutinize journal recovery performance and optimize it for maximum efficiency.

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